
MTR Corporation and HKUST Collaborate to Explore Future of Railway

The railway industry is rapidly evolving. To keep up with the latest developments and innovate for the future, MTR Corporation and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) jointly held an insightful workshop, focused on exploring the theme of “Future of Railway, The Smart Way Forward”.


The workshop brought together senior management, renowned scholars, and senior staff., With expert guidance from Professor Hong K. Lo, Dean of Engineering at HKUST, participants engaged in discussions around latest R&D developments that can help us work towards our mission of building a carbon-neutral smart community in Hong Kong.

At MTR Lab, we are always looking for innovations and collaborations that can help us achieve our goal of creating a smarter greener future. If you have any innovative solutions, especially those that contribute to a carbon-neutral community, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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